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Why Storytelling Is So Important (and Effective!)

Storytelling is the best way to capture someone's attention, and convey a strong message. People crave great stories. Tell a compelling story and gain influence....

Woman with large clock

Six Key Elements of Good Storytelling

Capture immediate attention

Make your story stand out, grab your readers' attention. Your story needs a hook to quickly ignite curiosity.

Know your audience

Leverage website analytics to identify your best prospects and their demographics. This may seem counter-intuitive, but you'll be surprised by what the data can show you.

Be relatable & conversational

Touch on common human conditions. Make a connection with your audience by relating to their likes, dislikes, and even their frustration. Find common pain points. Illustrate with examples. Use simple, straightforward language & avoid jargon. Tell the story as if you were talking to a friend. Use humor (when appropriate).

Keep it short & concise

In today's world, people have shorter attention spans. Keep your story short, stick to your overall message and don't get bogged down with unnecessary details.

Read & revise your story—at least 3 times.

Follow a storyline

Stories have an intro, a protagonist, challenges (pain points) and how she/he found solutions, resulting in a positive outcome.

Keep it real

You want to avoid coming across as disingenuous or salesy. Let the story—and its characters—speak for themselves.

Writing tools list and links coming soon.